It’s easy to get involved:
For Gustavson students, high school students, and community members…

For Gustavson BCOM Students:
There are 2 great ways to get involved with Kidovate:
Become a Kidovate School Ambassador:
Between February and mid-March we need help spreading the word about Kidovate to middle school and high schools in the Greater Victoria area – school districts: 61, 62, 63.
Did you graduate from a local middle school or high school? If so, this is a great opportunity to reconnect with your former teachers.
Sign up to go to your old school to tell any teachers you think would be interested in Kidovate about the program, and to deliver Kidovate posters and postcards.
Didn’t graduate from a local school? No problem! We can still use your help!
All School Ambassadors will meet for a briefing to ensure you feel prepared before you head to your designated school.
Become a Kidovate Youth Mentor:
Once youth sign up to participate in Kidovate between February and April, they are given the opportunity to connect with a Gustavson student mentor. There are many mico-venture decisions that youth will face as they create their products or services, and plan to sell them at the Kidovate market. That’s where you come in!
You’ll be paired with a Kidovate youth and have the chance to help them walk through basic business decisions, problem solve, offer encouragement, and provide suggestions by email, zoom or Facetime, in advance of the Kidovate market.
All Youth Mentors will meet for a briefing to ensure you feel prepared before you are connected to a Kidoavte youth.
For High School Students:
Become a Kidovate Highschool Champion.
If you are a current high school student, you can become a Kidovate champion within your school.
We’ll load you up with posters and postcards to help get the word out around your school between mid-February and mid-March.
We encourage you to talk to the principal, your teachers, your classmates, and other students about Kidovate so that they can plan to participate in Kidovate or come down to shop on Kidovate Market Day. If you are wanting to present to classes, we’ve got a powerpoint slide deck ready for that too!
All High School Champions will meet for a briefing to ensure you feel prepared before you start to champion Kidovate in your school.
For Community Members:
As a Victoria community member, we would love to get you involved with Kidovate. At the moment we are looking for assistance in two main areas:
Kidovate Suppliers
If you are a local business owner and would consider offering a discount to Kidovate youth for their micro-business supplies, that would be super! What a great way to showcase your commitment to the local youth community and their parents!
Kidovate Customers
If you are a local resident, you can help out by coming out to Kidovate Market Day and supporting Victoria’s entrepreneurial youth by sharing an encouraging word and/or buying their products/services!
Get Connected:
​Contact Dr. Brock Smith at smithb@uvic.ca at the Gustavson School of Business if you would like to volunteer or learn more.