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  • What about Covid19?
    Kidovate will follow the provincial guidelines for hosting a safe event. We are not expecting to have to cancel Kidovate, but if a new outbreak necessitates postponement, we will do our best to reschedule to a later date.
  • Do I need a business license?
    Yes, but the Mayors of Victoria, Saanich, and Oak Bay have developed a free one-day license for Kidovate participants. Licenses will be available to download from the Kidovate website in late March.
  • What if I don’t live in Greater Victoria?
    You are welcome to participate in Kidovate if you are willing to come to Victoria on April 9th to join us at the Kidovate market.
  • How much does the program cost?
    Not a thing! Kidovate does not charge a dime for our program. The only costs are what you choose to spend on creating your product and creating signage for your Kidovate table.
  • Is the marketplace supervised?
    Yes, the marketplace will be supervised by UVic faculty and students. They will be wearing Kidovate T-shirts. Supervision is only provided at the market, not if youth choose to leave the market. Participants are responsible for their own cash management, products, and personal items. UVic, the host mall, and Kidovate organizers and volunteers are not responsible for loss or theft.
  • What if my school does not offer Kidovate?
    That is completely fine. You can do Kidovate at your own pace using the graphic novel workbook to help you think through some key business decisions. You can also get assistance from mentors.
  • Can I get school credit for participating?
    Talk to your teacher to find out!
  • Can I do this with a friend?
    Yes. You can do Kidovate on your own, or with friends.
  • Can I participate if I am less than 12 years old?
    Yes, with the permission of Dr. Smith at the Gustavson School of Business, and if you are directly supervised by a teacher, parent, or other adults at the Kidovate market.
  • When is the marketplace happening?
    The 2022 Kidovate market will be held Saturday, April 9th at the Bay Centre, and possibly other malls in Greater Victoria. Set up is between 9:15am and 9:45am. The mall opens at 10 am. Kidovate entrepreneurs are welcome to stay for some or all of market day. Things typically wrap up by about 3pm.
  • Can I Sell Food?
    Yes, if it meets the “low risk” standard outlined in the Ministry of Health “Temporary Food Market Guidelines” found under the Youth tab.
  • Could I lose money?
    Yes, there is always some risk in entrepreneurship. Kidovate is designed to reduce some of that risk. You should always make entrepreneurial decisions based on understanding the most you could lose if you do not sell anything compared to the upside of the profit you could make if you sell everything that you make.

Other Questions?

Contact Dr. J. Brock Smith at:


Phone: 250-721-6070

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